Helping Fulfill the Vision of The Faith Place and Helping Fulfill God's Mission
About Family Life Groups
The Family Life Groups ministry is a ministry set in place by our Pastor. The ministry is a watch care program for our congregation and those under the umbrella of the church.
Family Life Groups ministry is designed with 8 Leadership ministry teams (Known as Group Leaders) and Directors. The Group Leaders are over a group of letters starting with the first letter of the member’s last name. This helps to break our large congregation down into smaller working groups.
The smaller groups help to keep members and their families connected to a smaller church family setting while remaining connected to the large local church body.
Every attending person has a Family Life Group Leader. Each Leader has a ministry team that they work with which are members of our congregation.
By the help of the Holy Spirit, each of the Group Leader’s help to steer their smaller team to stay connected thru visitations, sending cards, telephone calls and more. The smaller group of callers, visitation teams and card senders are all members of each team’s networking together and keeping the local church connected.
Our overall desire and ministry target is: To display God’s love in a caring way, keep people connected, serve together and have fellowship as part of Christ’s body.
Christian Leaders serving, building and helping to keep people connected to Christ. Serving together in ministry to individuals and families of “The Faith Place” thru love, strong spiritual values and Christian Fellowship.
By the leading of the Holy Spirit, we work together with our congregation thru the means of prayer, caring and serving. We utilize the skills and resources that are available to help connect people together in spiritual unity and communal fellowship.
As we promote faithfulness and serving. It is our desire to make differences in the lives of individuals and families and to impact their lives in areas of physical well-being, spiritual growth and Kingdom building for the glory of God.
Ministry Serving Areas
- Sending Cards
- Telephone Calls
- Visitation (Sick & Shut in)
- Outreach & Serving as needed
- Workers sharing a part in serving our large congregation.
Annual Family Life Groups Ministry Events
- Annual Fellowship & Christmas Fellowship
- Vendor’s Event or A Special Annual Service
- Donate generous gifts & Serve at Annual Block Party
Please contact the church at church@fafcakron.com or call (330) 762-9139 for more information.
“He makes the whole body fit together perfectly. As each part does its own special work, it helps the other parts grow, so that the whole body is healthy and growing and full of love”. Ephesians 4:16 (NLT)